Sunday, September 28, 2008

TV, Humans and Soul (Power)

Nobody going to see TV screen irrespective of its cost when its off or power supply is off. Isn't it. Nobody has seen electricity except it is in form of light, heat, sound or or electric-hazard. But has anybody seen electricity. I think no one has seen it, but only felt it. Same is with Our soul. Soul is not visible to anyone, but it can be only felt in various forms such as love, affection, care, in various animal species etc(as there could be more form of soul that i don't know). Like TV without POWER(Electricity) and Human without Soul(Power) is not value able. Here i m not saying that electricity is Soul and Soul is Electricity. Both are different. But we believe in electricity but not Soul. If you believe in soul its good, but others may not. If human is alive, everyone see him, talk, and flirt. But when its dead, no one cares about. This is so because valuable power is not in the body. Whatever i wrote here looks weird but its truth. Isn't it.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

What Happen when we do meditation ?

When you regularly do meditation your concentration level will significantly increase.
You will feel contempt of you self. That means in situation when you got irritated or some unsatisfactory behavior of social, economical, political, financial, family etc aspects, take some time alone. Close your eyes and just try to forget all materialistic problems. Just try to concentrate between down the eyes and down the forehead and just recite any mantra (such as Om) . You will get a little contempt of your heart by doing this. Regular practice of this words will make you feel sound and full of contempt and confidence.
If you are medically unfit then try to meditate regularly even when you eat, take bath or just doing any kind of work. Just try to recite in your mind the word (OM, Ram Ram, Hare Krishna or any thing else word related to GOD). Doing this you will recover in shorter span of time. Continue your medication also but try to meditate regularly.

When you do Meditation regularly you will come into new about new things about spirituality from your internal knowledge. but that are not allowed to tell everyone. Otherwise you will lose those contempt, happiness or anything else you experience during meditation.

Try to read some religious books and listen to good music that motivate you to spirituality.

One important thing about doing meditation is that when you do this regularly, you will come to know good things true while experiencing meditation that are written in religious books such as (Gita, Kuran shreef, Guru Granth Sahib, Bible etc.) but you will forget those things when you stop meditation. This is so because when you do meditation you are under blessing of God, but when you stop meditation, that blessing is not stopped but you are not accepting or taking those blessings. But it doesn't mean that God has stop blessing. God never stops its. It is being Continuously spread over every single creature of god. But only difference is that when we go near to god we are taking it and when we are going away from god we are taking less as compared to other. When blessing become to much less due to our ignorance then we become corrupt and irritated person. All kinds of bad things come into our mind and we forget all things that we should obey as GOD told us to obey us. But we don't and that is only reason of not being happy person in this world.

As i have told already that when we meditate we get blessing of GOD and when we don't meditate we ignore those blessings. Hence taking blessing is in our hand. This only due to blessings of god that we are capable of understanding the complexity of this world and true Motive of coming in this world. This is only due to blessings we come into know that the things written in various religious books are true. When we Do meditation regularly each time of day, we continuously keep our self in the contact of god and take those blessings and hence we do not forget the true complexity of this world and instruction of GOD for human beings. Hence, we only forget things about GOD when we go away from god and blessings are reduced due to our ignorance.

Also we only remember GOD only in grief and not at the time of pleasure. If we meditate at the time of Pleasure, the blessing of god will come upon us at greater strength and it will rise us in spirituality with more strength and we are capable of taking some precious blessing of god. However, when we meditate in grief, our concentration level is dropped due to our problems. And we could not got feel of those blessing, however strength of blessing of GOD is not changed but we are unable to feel it due to 0ur grief. So, if we remember god in our prior time, we are capable to reduce the grief because the blessing of past will remove the grief of future. Hence we should not forget GOD in pleasures time too other wise we will not be able to feel the real contempt.

Note:- If you want to find all written in religious books to be true then do this practice that do meditation at your own level anywhere, anytime and in any posture and doing anything. When you get the blessing of GOD only then you will be able to distinguish if they had told correct or wrong. So, do not go to things which take you away from GOD. This is not easy but regular practice of day to day will make you be able to get the true blessing of GOD which will provide you true happiness and contempt which MOST RARE THING IN THIS WORLD.

Thank You.
Dinesh gill.

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